
Showing posts from August, 2017

Emergency treatment as per protocol : Rs.50 lakh claim dismissed against Doctors

Complications in Cataract Surgery : "Doctors were saved from paying Rs.50 lakhs, as they performed their duties in emergency as per protocol"  Case Details : MRS.KAILASH MALHOTRA V/s. CENTRE FOR SIGHT (HOSPITAL) & ANR, NEW DELHI FIRST APPEAL NO. 410 OF 2015, decided on   17 Jul 2017.  See the following link : Facts in short : 1. Mrs. Kailash Malhotra,    78 years old, heavy diabetic, was operated as advised on her left eye for cataract. However it was alleged by the Complainant that  the surgery was performed hurriedly  and negligently and as  even after more than three weeks, her vision did not adequately regain, she went to Safdarjung Hospital, where  it was revealed that the procedure was not properly performed...

Organ Donation : A Chance to live after death for others...

ORGAN DONATION : Organ Donation day was celebrated on 13th August, like every year. Let's see the provisions at a glance... A) Introduction : The Medical Science has bestowed various benefits upon mankind and Organ Donation is one of them. Organ donation puts life in the needy patient, in the sense that the damaged organ in the body of the patient is replaced by the organ of the Donor, in absence whereof the needy patient would have  died because of the dysfunctional organ. The Person who donates the Organ is called as DONOR and the person in whose body the organ is transplanted is called as RECIPIENT. Every year 13th August is celebrated as Organ Donation day all over the world. B) Indian Law : 1. There cannot be anything as valuable as human life. Unfortunately, the ratio of Donors and  Beneficiaries is heavily inverse  and thus the human organs which can be donated like kidney, Liver, heart, lung, pancreas, skin, eyes, ears have tremendous demand.  Report...

No Negligence if LSCS preferred over complicated Normal Delivery ...

Much awaited relief for Drs in these days where Caesarian is often called as "Unwarranted"  . A case  claiming  compensation Rs. 20 lakhs+ against Doctors got rejected.  The National Commission in its judgment dated 17th July, 2017, rejected the Complaint of Rs.20,27,350/- in the case of   KUNDAN LAL JAYASWAL & ANR V/s.  DR. MALA PANDYA (THAKKAR) & ANR, Mumbai. You may see the link : Facts in Short : 1. The primi-gravida - complainant no.2 was taking treatment from the Opponent Dr.. As per USG report  dated 16.3.2015, there was a double loop of cord encircling about 2/3 rd  circumference around the neck of fetus.Her expected date of delivery was 23.04.2015. However  on 25.3.3015, as the water discharge from uterus increased,  the patient approached the Doctors and after ...

"Only Allopaths can prescribe modern medicines" - Hon. Allahabad High Court

"Medical  Practitioners enrolled in one branch, not allowed to practice in other Branch.." A Decision that may be welcomed by Allopathic Practitioners, but not by Homeopaths...  The Division Bench of Allahabad high Court in its recently reported judgment in AIR 2017 ALL 105, while dismissing the Petition filed by Homeopathic Surgeon Association of India,  observed that : Members of petitioner's association cannot be permitted to prescribe allopathic/modern medicine as is provided for under Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, by any means, as a person having studied one particular system of medicine cannot possibly claim deep and complete knowledge about the drugs of the other system of medicine, and specially when right to health and medical care is fundamental right under Article 21 read with Articles 39(c), 41 and 43 of Constitution (you may see the judgment link : ...