Emergency treatment as per protocol : Rs.50 lakh claim dismissed against Doctors
Complications in Cataract Surgery : "Doctors were saved from paying Rs.50 lakhs, as they performed their duties in emergency as per protocol" Case Details : MRS.KAILASH MALHOTRA V/s. CENTRE FOR SIGHT (HOSPITAL) & ANR, NEW DELHI FIRST APPEAL NO. 410 OF 2015, decided on 17 Jul 2017. See the following link : http://cms.nic.in/ncdrcusersWeb/GetJudgement.do?method=GetJudgement&caseidin=0%2F0%2FFA%2F410%2F2015&dtofhearing=2017-07-17 Facts in short : 1. Mrs. Kailash Malhotra, 78 years old, heavy diabetic, was operated as advised on her left eye for cataract. However it was alleged by the Complainant that the surgery was performed hurriedly and negligently and as even after more than three weeks, her vision did not adequately regain, she went to Safdarjung Hospital, where it was revealed that the procedure was not properly performed...