
Showing posts from August, 2021

The Doctor advised to get anomaly scan done in time, but the patient failed to do so. Thus the Allegations for failure to diagnosis Hydrocephalus were turned down thereby saving Doctor from paying Rs.2 Cr. Compensation Adv. ROHiT ERANDE.©

  The Doctor advised to get anomaly scan done in time, but the patient failed to do so. Thus the Allegations for failure to diagnosis  Hydrocephalus were turned down thereby saving   Doctor  from paying Rs.2 Cr.  Compensation    Adv. ROHiT ERANDE. © Case Details :  CONSUMER CASE NO. 974 OF 2015 BABY VANI BHATTACHARYA THROUGH HER FATHER-    V/s.      DR. SURANJIT DUTTA,M.S. &  KHANNA NURSING HOME, NEW DELHI.  . BEFORE:     HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE R.K. AGRAWAL,PRESIDENT   HON'BLE DR. S.M. KANTIKAR,MEMBER Judgement Link : Facts in Shorts : 1. The Complainant a 5 year old minor baby girl  filed a compliant through her father against the Opposite Parties, alleging that the Opp. parties were responsible for the alleged medical negligence resulted delivery of Hydroc...

Wheelchair injuries don't come fall the canopy of Medical Negligence, but read why Hospital was held liable to pay damages. Adv. ROHiT Erande. ©

Wheelchair injuries don't come fall the canopy of  Medical Negligence, but read why Hospital was  held liable to pay damages.  Adv. ROHiT Erande.   © Case Details ; Before : N.C. D.R.C. REVISION PETITION NO. 67 OF 2020, decided on 8th July, 2021 DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION, P.D. HINDUJA NATIONAL HOSPITAL & MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRE V/s.  Smt. HARSHA ASHOK LALA Coram :  HON'BLE DR. S.M. KANTIKAR,PRESIDING MEMBER Judgement Link : The Hon. commission began its judgment with the following paragraph.  Patient Safety aims to prevent and reduce risks, errors and harm that occur to patients. The “Deny and Defend” approach of the hospital/doctor had a significant impact on patient safety. Unfortunately, when hospital staff and administrators do not keep their hospitals well organized or the supporting staffs make careless mi...