*The Tragic death of a full term pregnant woman and the foetus due to fall in the OT causing traumatic injury to the SI joint costed Rs.1.6 Crs to the Hospital.*

*The Tragic death of a full term pregnant woman and the foetus due to fall in the OT causing traumatic injury to the SI joint costed Rs.1.6 Crs to the Hospital.* *The Court dismissed the Anaphylactic drug reaction theory and observed that Anesthetist conclusively failed to prove the theory of Sodium Pentothal anaphylaxis.* *The Anesthetist is saddled with Rs.10 lakhs and the Hospital was vicariously held liable to pay rs.1.5 Cr !* *(The total claim was of Rs. Rs.24,91,30,000/-)* *A Case to ponder over by the ObyGyns (though saved in this case), Anesthetists and the Hospital Administration !!* Adv. ROHiT ERANDE. © Case Details : CONSUMER CASE NO. 89 OF 2012 P ARIKSHIT DALAL & ORS. V/s. SANTOSH HOSPITAL & 11 ORS, BANGALORE Judgment Link ...