A case of Rs.80 lakhs dismissed which alleged that Sedatives caused Cardiac arrest to alcoholic patient..
" The Complaint for Rs.80 lakhs alleging that Sedatives should not have been given to Alcoholic Patient as it caused cardiac arrest and complications, was dismissed " http://cms.nic.in/ncdrcusersWeb/GetPdf.do… The State Commission of Maharashtra, in the case of Smt.Rohini H. Merchant & ors. V/s. Sir H.N.Reliance Foundation Hospital & anr. has dealt with important factors. Factual Matrix in short : 1. The deceased patient - husband of Complainant No.1 Mr.Harendra J.Merchant was a Captain in Navy. It was contdned that he gave up his habitual consumption of liquor 25 years back. 2.But in the year 2005, when he was sailing near Andaman and Nicobar Islands, after seeing the hundreds of people dying to the Tsunami, he was psychologically and mentally disturbed and signed off the ship in February 2005 and due to trauma, he again started consuming alcohol after a long gap. 3.That, to treat the patient for proper detoxification, he was admitted on or